Manage Your Fleet in the CloudHelping you take control
of your day
HorizonGO is a customizable, cloud-based trucking software that gives you real-time access remotely to your customers, drivers, and equipment anytime, anywhere.

There’s no end to the challenges: Fluctuating fuel costs, demands for shorter delivery windows; the increasing need for mixed loads and frequent stops; paperwork; and driver retention are just a few of the problems you confront daily. We get it – and we want to help.
You’re working hard to stay competitive in an unforgiving environment. From the back office to your drivers on the road and the customers waiting for their deliveries, your day can be fraught with anxiety. Sometimes it’s just a lack of communication or an accounting error that throws a roadblock between you and a successful day. Let MTI’s versatile HorizonGO solutions to your recurring worries allow you to take control of your day by plugging inefficiencies that lower costs while boosting productivity and your bottom line.

Dispatchers are like air traffic controllers. They’re keeping track of multiple trucks on far-flung trips and need to stay in contact with their “pilots” and help guide them in for a safe landing and safe return home. The dashboard gives them an end-to-end view of all operations. With the Load Board, dispatchers can check every load status in an instant, from “Unassigned” to “Delivered” or “Canceled” and everything in between.

Communication Tools
HorizonGO’s messaging feature allows accessible chat-format communication no matter where your drivers are. Dispatchers, owners, or whoever else needs the data have quick access to a complete view of all driver activity or search for specific information. With Action Notes, you can see any critical information or a note against the driver, tractor, or trailer.

Once the load is entered, Scheduler shows what loads are assigned to which driver, which drivers are unassigned, and any driver’s HOS data. The display of this information helps you match drivers and loads more efficiently, and the drag-and-drop user interface lets you assign and unassign drivers and make any changes necessary in seconds.

Live Map View
Enhanced process flow shows you in real-time the routes every driver is on with a full map display that shows where each driver is at every moment and see at a glance if the trip is on-time or behind schedule. View mileage information and access every bit of data you can conceivably need.

Imaging And Document Scanning
The HorizonGO app allows documents to be scanned and uploaded in minutes, anywhere, anytime. No more lengthy and burdensome stops to use a last-generation scanner. Drivers in the field don’t have to leave their vehicles to complete these necessary tasks.

Billing And Invoicing
By clicking on the “Approved Invoices link,” see all approved invoices. Edit, print, send by email or move to any third-party accounting software like Quickbooks with ease. Apply for partial or complete payments by entering the check number on one or multiple invoices or a manual invoice. See new invoices and invoice histories or recall any accounts receivables as needed.

Streamlining Operations
The Load Entry module is your one-stop shop for creating and assigning loads to drivers. Once a load is entered, it is displayed on the Load Board, where you have easy access to all the critical information you need and can track the status at every moment of the trip. Check calls have never been easier, allowing drivers to scan and upload documents using mobile devices. Select a date range to see the check call logs, including load number, driver, check call type, and the number and type of miles.

Driver Mobile App
Eliminate unnecessary and costly stops by equipping your drivers with the HorizonGO app. Connect your drivers to dispatchers and the rest of the team in real-time. Drivers can receive assignments, update load status, send and receive messages in a chat format, record and provide proof of delivery, upload documents and complete check calls. With the mobile app, drivers save time and expenses, complete their load, and head home much faster.

Dynamic Reporting
Need to know the number of times a trailer was picked up and dropped off by a driver? One-click shows you the exact trailer information along with the date and time it was picked up or dropped off by a driver. How about customer revenue, late shipment or milage reports? You name it. From dispatch, billing, settlements or any other reporting you can think of, HorizonGO delivers it with a click.

Driver Settlements
Looking to improve driver retention and better manage costs? Drivers/carriers/independent contractors, and management alike know at a glance how much the driver has earned on any given trip. Make adjustments, such as adding expenses, in seconds.

If you use third-party accounting software or other fleet management programs, HorizonGO integrates with those seamlessly.