HorizonGO, a state-of-the-art solution from MTI, is the answer to all your dispatch problems. Dispatchers are the busy bee of the trucking business, always buried in workload. HorizonGO is here to help simplify the workflow, offer real-time updates, and establish professional and productive communication between customers and drivers.


What happens when dispatchers have more
control of their day?

Get Ahead of Workload
HorizonGO helps get the dispatcher from under the workload by simplifying the process. Offers real-time data visibility and ease of documentation and maintains productive communication between the dispatcher, driver, and the customer.

Better Communication with Customers and Drivers
HorizonGO offers a unique messaging feature that keeps every stakeholder of the business in the loop of communication during the entirety of the process.

Handle Last Minute Changes with Ease
With our live communication feature, the dispatcher is always aware of customer changes in addresses, routes, cargo, and other process variables.
Features that Benefit Dispatchers

Dispatchers are like air traffic controllers. They’re keeping track of multiple trucks on far-flung trips and need to stay in contact with their “pilots” and help guide them in for a safe landing and safe return home. Dashboard gives them and end-to-end view of all operations. With the Load Board, dispatchers can check every load status in an instant from “Unassigned” to “Delivered” or “Canceled” and everything in between.

Once the load is entered, Scheduler shows what loads are assigned to which driver, which drivers are unassigned, any driver’s HOS data. The display of this information helps you match drivers and loads more efficiently and the drag and drop user interface lets you assign and unassign drivers and make any changes necessary in seconds.

Live Map View
Enhanced process flow shows you in real time the routes every driver is on with a full map display that shows where each driver is at every moment and see at a glance if the trip is on-time or behind schedule. View milage information and access every bit of data you can conceivably need.